Thursday, September 29, 2011

Colonic Connoisseur

There is much talk about my ass these days. Most of the talk comes from my own mouth, blabbering away...pretty anyone who will listen to me.

For most people, “ass” would not be such a great topic of conversation. “What do you put up your ass?” I really am interested...cause I’m always looking for new ideas, methods, substances - anything really, that I can put up my ass.

I put coffee up there (only organic made with filtered-water of course)! I put a salt/baking soda solution up there. I put probiotics and other medicines up there. I even have tried putting kephir up there, which of course I make myself from raw milk and kephir grains. Doesn’t everyone?

Recently I ventured out with an exciting quest to find new options!

Now this quest was - shall I admit? - out of necessity. I have many places that I am comfortable with, in pursuing my weekly colonics. For the most part - I try to stay within the safe zone - because I don’t want to get too creative with what goes up my ass. But my safe zones were all booked up - which left me to find other options for my weekly colonic.

I told Colin, “I’m so excited to see what this system is about!” I’d never heard of it before. (He seems to think I have hit an all-time low). Gravity-fed closed-system colonics.

I was a bit concerned, when I found out this colonic system was set up in this guy’s basement. “Go through the picket fence, and take the sidewalk down the side of the house... There, you will venture into the dark slippery steps that lead to my basement.” I gave Colin the address - so he could find my body later. “Look for me in the basement!” I said.

Need-less to say - curiosity won the cat. That, and my need to have my colonic.

I tried to convince my friend Mark to get one. We had a conversation once over lunch at the Whole Foods pizza counter. Maybe not the topic to discuss at lunch - but like I said - I find myself quite comfortable with the topic. “If you want to do any detoxing - you have to start with a colonic,” I heard myself saying.

Imagine the shit we accumulate in our life; not only through toxic food, but toxic air & water...toxic drugs! Imagine the emotional shit we accumulate in our life on top of all that. Emotionally, physically and spiritually...shit...that frankly, needs to go.

Mark then said, “What had a colonic and worked with some sort of therapist at the same time; or you could even have someone doing energy work on you. Imagine the huge purge of physical & emotional baggage just leaving your body!” We got pretty excited about it. (The pizza people at Whole Foods, on the other hand, did not seem too excited about it).

I decided to begin my spiritual work, cutting the ties that bind me to anything that no longer serves my highest good. I figure, my body will guide me in finding answers. I go deep into shamanic journeys and meditations. What I find is quite surprising and shall I say has completely transformed my life!

The emotional work has led me to new revelations - that our spirit, our psyche, our emotional bodies - are capable of releasing on a physical level.

Now I am no longer excited about what I put up my ass - but more excited about what comes out of my ass!

Through this work, I feel like I’ve made quantum leaps - week after week. Out of my body comes a river of heavy metals, specifically arsenic, which no longer serves me in any way. Through this, I’ve had the most fantastic releases throughout all my six years of chelation. So I happily discard it - I allow it to leave and continue on my path - bouncing along!

My Higher Self told me the other day, “You worry to much!” I laughed at her. I totally do!! She told me that some day my release of arsenic will come to an end. “You will no longer have a river of arsenic flowing out of your body.” I was so relieved to hear so, as this is what I worry about the most.

I’ve been doing chelation for 6 years. “Is it ever going to end?” Everyone asks I’m supposed to know! Unfortunately there is no way to quantize heavy metal toxicity. Heavy metal toxicity tests can only measure what is being released from chelation at a given point in time. I tell everyone, “If you hear any word of when it will end - let me know, so I can schedule it in!”

In life, my personal goal is to always be moving forward. Sometimes, in order to move forward, we must look backward to find what blocks our way, or ties us to the past. We all know this as baggage, mental road blocks, unfinished business... We must ask ourselves, what unhealthy patterns do we need to change in order to evolve as species?

I walk through the picket fence, down the sidewalk and stone steps into the basement. It is bright, cheery and warm! An envelope of peace & strength settles in my soul. The colonic practitioner awaits and greets me with an open heart & caring eyes.

What do you know... I just had the best colonic of my life!