Wednesday, November 15, 2006

No Worries, It's Just the "Herx"

My days are now filled with "herxing," and might I add "brain fog," making it very difficult to write this post. Yet, the most concerning thing of all about this whole ordeal, is that I actually know what the word "herx" means... What the hell is a herx? Most women in their 20's, are concerned with other issues other than the herx - reveiling to me that yes, once again, I am slightly abnormal.

The Herx or Herxheimer Reaction is an immune system reaction to the toxins (endotoxins and neurotoxins) that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off, and the body does not eliminate the toxins quickly enough. Technically known as the Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction, this syndrome goes by many names, including JHR, the Herxheimer Effect, the Herxheimer Response, a Herx Reaction, Herx or Herks. The most common terminology used is the Herxheimer Reaction. It is also often referred to as a healing crisis, a detox reaction, or die-off syndrome.

The Herx Reaction is a short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea, and in my case brain fog, or other symptoms. This is a normal — and even healthy — reaction that indicates that parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens are being effectively killed off. As these lovely things die, they release other neurotoxins and heavy metals, making it a wonderful experience for your brain. Although the experience may not make you feel particularly good, the Herxheimer Reaction is actually a sign that healing is taking place.

What does this mean for me..? My energy is so low, the thought of trying to move from this chair overwhelms me, and to even attempt to lift my body is only going to amount in failure. My eyes are buggy, which seem to delight my friends in asking me to take a picture. Yes, I have strange friends. No way people!

In fact, my whole body is swelled; my head, neck and spine especially. My face no longer seems my own because it is so swollen - my features are gone. My spine feels like you have had a really bad sunburn, your skin is all tight and swollen, and it won’t stretch. Now, duplicate this feeling in your spine about 20X and you’ll get the same feeling that I feel right now. My toes are numb and I cannot feel them, which most likely is caused from nerve compaction in my swollen spine. But hey, I am living proof you really don’t need your toes after all, right? It's all good, you don't need your toes anyway. What function do they serve really, I mean, c'mon.

In fact I wouldn’t feel so bad if I could only see. My eyes just can’t seem to focus that well, creating a blur around me. This might be good if I were a painter or something, and wanted some new ideas for abstract work. But I'm not a painter, I am a musician. So maybe I could write a song that creates mass confusion, leaving everyone wondering at the end what it was all about. Oh wait, our government's already got this one down!

"Breathe, breathe, breathe," is all I can say to myself. This is a scarey place to be. So today I make another conscious effort to persist, to endure - asking questions - how do I help myself? I am determined, but it is only because I have no other option, so I guess it is similar to beating your head against the wall a million times a day – looking for answers that nobody knows.


Anonymous said...

i m having exactly the same symptoms u told above since yesterday , i added electrcity to the abx to potanciate them and was wondering if this was some kind of damage i ve done to myself .. so thanks ur note about ur exp.

Anonymous said...

This story will put everything into perspective for some people... even my friends love to hear how you are doing.... they all care! Even at 12 years old... they understand...

Unknown said...

I felt like I was reading about my last 6 days. I have been chasing a diagnosis for 28 years now and just found out about my Lyme last Thursday. The only other herx symptom I have ( not sure if it's related or not) is open sores on the roof of my mouth. It is amazing how being told your crazy and that nothing is wrong affects ones ability to be objective about symptoms. I would love to hear from another Lymie dealing with all of this. I'm at please write! I know I'm not alone. Take care!

Gearlyn said...

Dear Tamare,
hope you are still blogging. My battle begum in 1998 and had all test imaginable. the usual symptoms, numbness, tingling, balance issues, floaters, gait disturbances just to name a few and of course the dreadful tiredness that's debilitating. I never had a positive lyme test but 2 bands for lyme showed in the spinal tap. Does this sound anything like your diagnosis.


Anonymous said...

Your explanation of the herx is great. I struggle to explain it to people. What works for me, a Lyme patient, is Vitamin C IVs and Benadryl. The herx from Lyme Associated Diseases causes an increase in histamine, and toxins of course. Benadryl brings speedy relief. Staying hydrated is also key. Electrolyte drinks (not sugary ones) help flush the toxins, as do hydration/vitamin IVs. Anyone going through serious treatment should have a PICC line to ensure hydration and detox.

Anonymous said...

Wow....have lymes again....glad to have happened upon this herx reaction description...since I took the Igenexs Lab test...4 lymes...waiting for results to see if this is a recurring infection or if this is stress induced since I had it previously......
right now I'm on antibiotics going through the herx reaction......and anyone that has lines will probably have a very high ANA...and CRP test...this is most likely caused by
LYME...mine has always been caught right away so its not disseminated so it's much easier to treat....people may also get the Lyme arthritis but don't give up hope you will feel better go to a naturopathic physician and get natural antibiotics and you may also need good vitamin therapy for your immune system boosting.....I know so much about Lyme disease way more than I wanted to ever know about any disease.......but you can recover so don't give up